Tag Archives:

stone pavers

Raise your backyard’s game with Olympic influences

The 2016 Rio Olympics are in full swing. We love to watch the Games’ thrilling events and see the amazing achievements of our US team. But being stone experts, the Olympic Games also reminds us of something else we love – Greek architecture! The ancient culture’s mark can be seen not only in our government

Step Up Your Hardscaping

 Which part of your outdoor design holds more meaning than steps? “Steps” flood our imagination and our language. We have giant steps, baby steps, one step forward, and two steps back. We step it up, step down, step aside and step away. We have spring in our step when we make a step in the

A walk in the New England woods will undoubtedly reveal remnants of a fieldstone wall, standing strong amongst trees and forest brush.

Those woods were probably cleared for farmland hundreds of years ago. Piles of unearthed stones were typically stacked in a low wall along property lines. Fieldstone walls are a tradition going back centuries, most notably found in England and Ireland. They aren’t as common today, but not all is lost. There are different ways to

Unique Design Elements Using Pavers Circles!

Nothing boosts your home’s “Wow Factor” than a beautifully designed outdoor living space. Well-planned outdoor rooms not only add value to your home (sometimes increasing sales price up to 20%), they add value to your life. The concept of designing a stunning patio or other outdoor area can intimidate homeowners. But here’s a secret: all

Outdoor Living Inspiration: Walkways

We know that a lot of your yards are still buried under the remains of Blizzard Jonas, but that doesn’t mean you can’t continue to plan your landscape updates for the spring! Take this time, when getting out and about is a little more difficult to plan the updates and changes you’ve always wanted for

Veneer Stone – The Design Game Changer Part II: Natural and Stacked Stone

Do you long for natural lines and colors as part of your home décor? Do you have a love affair with the outdoors that you’d like to keep with you, all year-round? If you are looking for a natural stone effect in your space, then this segment of our cast veneer stone series is for

Veneer Stone – The Design Game Changer Part I: Brick, Cut Stone and Split Rock

How unique is your home’s design? When you look around your rooms, or outside at your yard or house, do you see your special touches that say “This is Me!”? Your home is the hub of your life, where you spend much of your down time, where you raise your family and entertain friends. Décor

The Look for Less- Using Pavers to Recreate Famous Alleyways

Do you have a side yard or walkway that you’re just not sure what to do with? Perhaps it’s too shady; or, maybe it receives too much traffic to grow plants. Why not try something really special by recreating a famous alleyway right in your very own backyard? Elfreth’s Alley Located in Philadelphia and built between

Organic Chemistry: How Cast Veneer Stone Complements Every Style

If you are thinking about a home renovation, consider incorporating organic colors and textures of cast veneer stone into your design and décor.  Designers from around the world agree that using cast veneer stone is a great way to update a tired space and create instant drama in any room of the house. Stone veneer

5+ Basic Design Principles for your Patio

So the weather is finally cooperating and it’s time to enjoy the outdoors once again. Whether you’re completing a new patio or updating an existing one, the final touches can make all the difference in your end result. Much the same as an interior room makeover, elements such as lighting, furniture, accessories and décor will