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Outdoor Living Inspiration: Retaining Walls

Are you looking for a way to redefine your landscape? Maybe you have slopes around your property that make creating the space you want difficult.  Perhaps you have a sweeping yard that offers no way to landscape except at the far edges? Or do you live on a hill that falls towards or away from

Planning Ahead for your Landscape Design

As winter continues, it may be that thoughts of spring landscape planning seems a little premature, but the fact is, making use of being more housebound during the next few weeks  will really pay dividends in achieving your goals.  Not only can you do your research on plans and products, but if you plan to

Outdoor Living Inspiration: Walkways

We know that a lot of your yards are still buried under the remains of Blizzard Jonas, but that doesn’t mean you can’t continue to plan your landscape updates for the spring! Take this time, when getting out and about is a little more difficult to plan the updates and changes you’ve always wanted for

Veneer Stone – The Design Game Changer Part III –Cast Stone Wall

Walls are the defining pieces to your outdoor living spaces. They allow sloped yards to become usable space, break up wide expanses into cozy sections and support hilly areas to be both decorative and functional. With all these benefits, walls also need to add design and beauty to your yard, and there’s no better way

Veneer Stone – The Design Game Changer Part II: Natural and Stacked Stone

Do you long for natural lines and colors as part of your home décor? Do you have a love affair with the outdoors that you’d like to keep with you, all year-round? If you are looking for a natural stone effect in your space, then this segment of our cast veneer stone series is for

Outdoor Living Inspiration: Patios

While it may seem a little early in the year to be thinking about updating your backyard, the fact is there is no better time to get the ball rolling with your landscape design plans to be sure you’re ready to meet with a local hardscaping professional by early spring. They can help you see

Warm Welcomes: Incredible Walkways and Driveways

No matter what holidays you celebrate in December, chances are you will have visitors at one point during the season and as the old saying goes, “You never get a second chance to make a first impression.” Your driveway and front walkway are some of the first landscaping impressions you can make on your visitors,

What are your 2016 Landscape New Year’s Resolutions?

It happens at odd times throughout the year; as you’re gearing up for spring and cleaning out flower beds, during a barbecue in the backyard, or when you’re winterizing your garden and yard. Each of these moments are times when you took stock of the condition of your landscape and make a mental note of

Dear Santa – What I Want for Christmas is … a New Landscape Design!

Do you remember when you were a little kid and would write that all important letter to the big guy in the red suit listing the things you wanted for Christmas? Well, this year, we want all our outdoor living enthusiast readers to get inspired for the new landscape you know you want, but may

Creating a little “Peace on Earth”, Right in your own Backyard

There are a lot of wishes for “Peace on Earth” at this time of year and, while the general intent is for mankind as a whole, there’s another saying that comes to mind: “Charity begins at home”.  By creating a tranquil environment in which to host family and friends, you can add a little “peace”

EP Henry is Now Belgard

North America's Number One Hardscapes Brand

We begin a new journey as Oldcastle APG where you will rediscover our paving stones, slabs, retaining walls and
the entire line of Belgard products as well as complementary outdoor living brands under the Oldcastle APG family.