Lifestyle & Seasonal

Late summer spread: 4 Grass seeding facts to know

Seeding now can be the key to a lush lawn come spring. Here’s what you need to know about this essential lawn task.
Like all things worth doing, a lovely landscape takes time. Great grass is a year-round project, and mid-to-late August until the end of September brings another round of important lawn care activities. Generous and proper seeding starts now.

Lawn seeding isn’t as simple as you may think. Here are 4 facts you need to know about seeding.

1.  Seed in need. Lawn care contractors send seeding reminders to all their clients in August, but they will tell you if your particular lawn could use seeding. Healthy and thriving lawns won’t    necessarily need seeding and/or aerating. Seeding is helpful for lawns with dry or thin patches, and aerating is best for dry patches on that lay on top of densely-packed or clay-based soils. “Overseeding” is an advanced technique used on healthy lawns to keep them looking nice over the winter months. Ask your contractor if this is a service they offer in your area.

2.  Species are special. The terms “warm season grasses” and “cold season grasses” apply to the planting temperate zones, not the time of year. Geographical areas with hot summers and mild winters nurture warm season grass species like Bahia and carpetgrass. These are seeded March through August. Cool season grasses are for states with winter temperatures that dip down below freezing. Fescue species and bluegrass are popular cold-season grass species in this region.

3. Set it right. Seeding properly is more than simply hand-spreading seed like one would feed chickens. If the seed isn’t set in the soil with sufficient nutrients and then covered with protection like wheat hay, you may as well invite the neighborhood birds over for a feast. Hoeing, cross-seeding, covering, and watering are merely a few of the steps involved in seeding a lawn correctly. A reputable lawn contractor can help.

4. Be sure to keep the seed moist until it has good germination (i.e., until it grows to at least one inch in height). In hot weather, this may mean running the sprinklers over it several times a day.

A well-tended front lawn is the key to a well-appointed and welcoming home. Knowing the requirements for a healthy lawn is half the battle. Research your state’s temperate zone and ask around about the grasses best suited for your area. If you need to, bring your lawn more in line with the zone. A total lawn rehab is probably not necessary, but a yearly seeding will eventually bring you a healthy, lower-maintenance yard.

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