Lifestyle & Seasonal

It’s Patio Season! 4 Ways to Fix Up Your Patio for Spring Fun

We love the concept of patio season – the early Spring to late Autumn months when we can take advantage of the longer days and warmer nights. Outdoor living is about getting use out of your patio space whenever it’s possible. Also, getting some fresh air is always great for health and happiness.

If you have our patio pavers or other patio bricks, Spring cleanup is a cinch. A simple rinse with the water hose will do. But there are a few more things you can do to get in gear for the season.

EP Henry’s Hardscape Construction Specialist Mark Atunes shares 4 things you can do this weekend to ensure your personal al fresco space is party-ready.

Fine Tune Heating Elements

Spring weather is finicky; sun one day, snow the next. Don’t let a little chill keep you inside. Bring on the heat! Clean up your fire pit area. Be sure to clear out all debris and easily-lit materials from the bowl, the fire pit well itself, and the surrounding area in a 5 foot radius. Sparks can drift on breezy nights. Light small fires that stay within the spark guard. Always use gloves, spark guard and other safety gear. A small blaze will give off plenty of heat. You always can add an outdoor heater if the fire’s heat isn’t sufficient. Safety first!

Fix Food Areas

Scrub the grill. Sweep out any leaves, ash or debris from the flame areas. Clean up the tools and accessories. Spiff up that apron or get a new one. Any charcoal left over from last season should be removed. If you use tanks, take them to get checked. Buy more charcoal or gas to have on hand.

Fancy Up the Furniture

All outdoor furniture pieces, even they have been stored away or covered all winter, need to be cleaned. Soap up tables and chairs to remove mold, mildew or nests. All sorts of tiny critters can crawl their way up in the legs and undersides of outdoor furniture. Always double check, you don’t want your guests surprised in unwelcome ways!

Fight Off Pests

Much mosquito-bite prevention comes down to good patio maintenance. “The rule is ‘Tip, Toss and Turn,’” says an EP Henry HQ area resident Chris Whiting, President of “Tip, toss and turn any standing water. A small bottle cap filled with water can breed 2000 or more mosquitos every ten days.” Mr. Whiting says to check plant trays and gutters, and ask your local mosquito control company for a non-toxic “barrier spray” that will keep you and your guests dining in peace.

It’s all about comfort. With the extra daylight hours we have now, spend a few minutes each weekday after work tending to these various comfort-zones. Stock the freezer with some grill food, and you’ll be prepared for the unexpected warm weekend Spring can bring.

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