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Spot and destroy the spotted lantern fly this fall

The spotted lantern fly (SLF) is an invasive, destructive insect that is native to China. Over 70 species of trees in southeastern Pennsylvania and surrounding areas are in danger of disease and death because of these sap-sucking pests. It’s imperative to seek out and destroy the SLF, as they are predicted to cause a billion

Don’t let the “crider” sit down beside ya: Give the spider cricket a ticket out of the house

Called by many names like camel crickets, sprickets, cave weta, or just plain “AAAACK!,” these crawling, hopping insects are found all over the world. They scare us with their creepy moves and high jumps. Spider crickets lunge at threats to frighten them (apparently a very effective strategy against grown men), but other than giving an

How to be a hipster gardener

If you think vintage accessories, old traditions and careful tending are the bee’s knees, you may be a garden hipster. The hipster aesthetic is marked by an obsession with independence, eco-friendly living and vintage style. This group has its own style in clothes, food and yes, gardening. Aside from the new urban chickens movement, hipsters

Every garden old is new again: Nostalgia plants for now

The small, dainty flowers of the foxglove plant, the wispy peony blooms and the lovely drops of the bleeding hearts all bring back the sights and scents of the gardens from years past. Recreating a garden of yore is the newest trend in home landscaping. Before the overly accessorized 1950s yards and the victory gardens

The beauty of Kentucky Derby Roses in your own backyard

The most famous race of the Triple Crown, the Kentucky Derby, is usually held on the first Saturday in May. The winning horse is draped with a blanket of beautiful red roses. The luxury of the velvet-like petals, the depth of the red, and the dream of the heady scents get us itching to have

8 big ideas for a tiny patio

Urban and dense suburban spaces can be a bit forgotten in the design world. But don’t give up on the dream of an outdoor lifestyle. A tiny patio can be a great space. Whether it is a fire escape, a roof terrace or a tiny back porch patio, every space can become something more. With

When to use stones or mulch in your landscape

It’s gardening season again! If you haven’t already, it’s time to take out that digging tool and break ground. April showers bring May flowers, but they also bring weeds. You can drastically cut down on weeds in your garden by adding mulch or pebbles. Mulch and stone coverings make flower colors “pop” by adding a

Grow a dream: Imagining your best garden

In search of my mother’s garden, I found my own. -Alice Walker All great things begin with a spark. Imagining a garden that attracts and inspires, soothes and excites the soul is the first step to landscape planning. Endless day dreaming isn’t always the best path. A little bit of focus can help you take

Cooking with kids outdoors

As parents, we want to arm our kids with the skills they need to succeed. Preparing food is one of the most basic life skills, but it often is put off until it’s too late. Learning to cook is a source of pride for many kids and teens who live in a processed-food world. Studies

Varied Vege: Grow something different this year

Tip toe away from the tomatoes and dig into other delicious digestibles. We love tomatoes. They grow so easily and abundantly, we end up having plenty to share. But their convenience can also root us in our gardening ruts. Stirring up the soil with some new veggies can add some life to your summer and