Landscape & Hardscape Ideas, Lifestyle & Seasonal

Aquatic Ambiance: Tips To incorporate a Water Feature into Your Backyard

Dating back to the ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans, water fountains have been a part of our lives for a very long time. Long before everyone had indoor plumbing, people flocked to community fountains to collect safe water for drinking, cooking and washing. Constructed over a spring or connected to an aqueduct, these early water fountains relied on gravity in order to operate efficiently. Present day engineers are still in awe of how they accomplished the feat of
bringing clean water to the masses, without the use of modern technology.

Thought to possess magical powers, water features are still popular in cultures all over the world. In the Far East, water fountains are considered to process energy and are used in Feng shui designing to promote health, well-being and prosperity.

Whether you are just planning your new patio, or you’re updating an existing one, water features and garden fountains are a sure bet to add multi-dimensional enjoyment to your outdoor living area.

Have a Seat and Relax

Because these water features require electricity to operate, and they have such a therapeutic effect, many landscape designers are incorporating them into pools and hot tubs since they already have the electrical set up. Fountains are ideal in these settings, as they work to pump and filter the pool or tub’s water while producing a pleasant sound and decorative element.

Tranquility Comes in all Shapes, Sizes and Sounds

Because they are so popular, water fountains come in all shapes and sizes, ranging
from the pint-sized table top models, to the much larger free standing driveway versions. Styles such as baroque, modern, rustic and natural can be found. Wall mounted fountains allow even the smallest of backyards to incorporate a garden fountain into their landscape design.

Tip: Remember, a water fountain serves as a sculpture, so be sure that your fountain blends in with your existing patio décor’s theme or colors.

The other variance in garden fountains is the sound they produce. A large part of their appeal is the calming effect that the sound of falling water has. In quiet settings, you may prefer a delicate trickling sound of a tiered spill fountain; in an urban neighborhood, the white noise of a
water sheet fountain may help to reduce city buzz.  The size of the fountain does not determine the sound it makes; it’s really about how much water is flowing, the length of the drop, and what it lands upon.

Get Creative

It doesn’t get much more flexible than water, so here’s a chance to stretch
your creative legs. If you think about it, water fountains are really just a vessel, a path for the water to follow, and a pump to recirculate the water. So look around, you may already have the elements you can use to  build your own unique garden fountain. As long as it’s waterproof and can tolerate outdoor weather, it’s fair game.

Do you have a unique water feature or inspirational landscape design idea you’d like to share? Send us some pictures; we may featureit in our next catalog.

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