More Profit. Less Effort.

Now, thanks to ColorTech – only from EP Henry – you can give your customer what they want without any additional scheduling or work on your part.

Your customers want the stain protection and enhanced look of a sealed paver.
Now you can offer that without the hassle of scheduling a 2-3 day window with no rain and keeping a crew ready to go.
And they'll get a better-performing paver that won't cost them as much - all at a larger profit margin to you.

Advanced Protection. Enhanced Color™

Same amount of red wine spilled.

Competitor’s paver without ColorTech™
EP Henry paver with ColorTech™

Hear what other contractors are saying about ColorTech™

Reduces fading
from UV rays
Improves protection
from acid rain

ColorTech’ by EP Henry is the newest advancement in paver treatment. An integral sealer, as opposed to a topical treatment, ColorTech costs substantially less and lasts much longer than a topical sealer application. ColorTech now comes as a standard feature in our best-selling Premiere Collection of Bristol Stone and Chiseled Stone pavers as well as in our new Cast Stone Paving and Wall Caps use.

Want more info? Talk to an EP Henry
Sales Representative.

Get more information about ColorTech and the rest of our product lineup.


EP Henry is Now Belgard

North America's Number One Hardscapes Brand

We begin a new journey as Oldcastle APG where you will rediscover our paving stones, slabs, retaining walls and
the entire line of Belgard products as well as complementary outdoor living brands under the Oldcastle APG family.