Tag Archives:

brick pavers

Herringbone: this classic paver pattern is trending

Timeless features make a home distinctive. The brickwork pattern for your outdoor walkways or driveways is a place to express the home’s unique character. While there are many layouts and pavers to choose from, the classic herringbone pattern stands the test of time. It looks equally impressive in walkways, patios and driveways. According to lifestyle

Elements of Industrial Design

Exposed brick, concrete countertops, tile and stone floors are chic decor elements with a hardened past. The first factories of the industrial revolution were built in the late 1700s. Forging steel, laundering fabrics, or glass-making involved very hot and often unwieldy fire. By the early 1900s the onset of unreliable electrical wiring added to the

Punctuate your patio with texture: Add visual and tactile interest to your Hardscape

There are many elements to interior design. Color, light, lines, shapes (forms) and texture are all applied principles of design that are immediately noticeable in a room. These principles also apply when building and decorating exterior rooms. One design element that is often overlooked on the patio is texture. “Texture” is a visual as well

Modern Halloween Tricks and Tips

Bobbing for apples is a scary prospect. Here are some updated party tips and outdoor decor tricks to bring your All Hallow’s Eve into the 21st century. Outdoor Halloween decor ranges from the scary to the sweet. Whatever your preference, good decor puts everyone in the party mood. Here are some of the latest trends

Throwing shade: Patio options for summer sun

Sitting outside in the summer is one of life’s simple pleasures. A few clever and well-placed shade providers can make your patio an even cooler place to hang out. While some people still love to bask for hours in the sun’s hot rays, many of us prefer to enjoy the outdoors in a cooler, shady

Defining 5 Terms an EP Henry Authorized Hardscaping Contractor® May Use

Congratulations! You’re starting a new hardscaping project that will beautify your landscape and create a space for making many happy memories. But what did your contractor say again? Masonry, like all other professional areas, has its own glossary of terms. The hardscaping industry borrows many of these for describing the flatwork of installing pavers. Learning

Pizza Perfection: Add an outdoor pizza oven to your patio

In modern culture, we have a plethora of food and cooking options. Instead of simply roasting a piece of meat over a crude fire, we can bake, sauté, deep fry or flambé. With each new method comes more dining options. Cooking standards that were acceptable before fall out of favor as we reach for new

Outdoor Living Inspiration: Walkways

We know that a lot of your yards are still buried under the remains of Blizzard Jonas, but that doesn’t mean you can’t continue to plan your landscape updates for the spring! Take this time, when getting out and about is a little more difficult to plan the updates and changes you’ve always wanted for

Veneer Stone – The Design Game Changer Part I: Brick, Cut Stone and Split Rock

How unique is your home’s design? When you look around your rooms, or outside at your yard or house, do you see your special touches that say “This is Me!”? Your home is the hub of your life, where you spend much of your down time, where you raise your family and entertain friends. Décor

4 Must-Do Tips for End of Summer Landscape Maintenance

As fall inches closer, and the days shorten, our focus on our yard or garden may wane, but now is not the time to ignore your yard. The end of summer and early autumn bring the need of yard prep, to ready your outdoor spaces for the coming harsh weather of winter. Take some time